Optimize energy consumption across portfolios
Efficiently manage and optimize energy usage across your portfolios delivering significantly improved sustainability

Optimize your energy consumption based on actual occupancy patterns.
Massive amounts of energy wastage is due to the inefficient control mechanisms and inappropriate scheduling. Manual errors are responsible for a significant part of the inefficiently consumed energy.
Automate all your device behaviors' to function based on occupancy trends with IQnext’s sophisticated Rule-engine, resulting in improved energy consumption across your entire portfolio of buildings.
The solution is best suited for both new and retrofit facilities and is exceptionally effortless to deploy and adapt with our integration partners.
Make informed decisions leveraging highly credible, real-time energy usage trends
Are you spending hours attempting to determine how much energy is consumed and still finding it difficult to draw a conclusion owing to limited and dispersed data?
With IQnext’s data-rich, easy-to-read reports, you can always stay on top of your buildings’ energy consumption trends. With a few clicks, you can compare consumptions for different buildings, floors and time periods empowering to make data-driven decisions.

Seamlessly integrate measuring devices to never miss any data
Manually measuring and maintaining heaps of data will only add to the overwhelming complexity and increased likelihood of mishaps.
Eliminate such challenges by effortlessly integrating devices such as energy meter and configuring them as root meters, sub meters along with the building and floor you want them in and get all the data at one place without having to go through the individual locations, resulting in increased productivity.
Condition-based monitoring for predictive maintenance and improved performance
Buildings often have extensive PM plans, which are rigorously carried out by the O&M staff. However, even if a piece of equipment or a system is not maintained properly, massive amounts of energy might be wasted. Monitor and identify such scenarios with the help of condition-based alarm engine. Create and track custom alarms with ease and assign them criticality according to your maintenance needs.